Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sports Paper

Connor Coop
Mrs. Hartney 

How Sports Affects a Student's Life

Did you know that only 21 million children out of 74 million play team sports? I think that this is crazy, because sports are a huge part of my life. People play lots of different sports, but for boys the most common are soccer, football, and baseball. I play soccer, and I couldn't live without it. I spend around 12 hours a week playing and practicing soccer. I have practice for an hour and a half on Monday and Thursday, and on Wednesday i have two hour practice. Then on the weekends I usually have two games, and they are an hour and a half long, and i have to practice an hour before them. This much exercise is very good for a kid to have. That is just one of the many good things sports have to offer.

Playing sports has many benefits for a student. It helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. It also helps kids lose weight and reduce body fat. Kids who play sports have also been seen to have greater academic achievements than someone who doesn't play sports. Athletes are also more likely to attend college than non-athletes. It helps kids with self-esteem, goal setting, and leadership. All of these skills are helpful throughout a person's life. 

Sometimes a kid doesn't get to choose if they can play sports or not. 87.9% of parents are concerned about their kids getting injured in sports, 81.5% are concerned about problems with coaches, 70.3% are worried about cost, and 67.9% are worried about time commitment. From all of that you can see why a parent might not let their child play. Even of all those things, the benefits of sports are definitely worth it. A kid who plays sports is much more likely to succeed in life. It gives kids better social skills, because they meet new people when playing sports.

            Some kids don't like playing sports. This can be because their parents force them too. This doesn't always work out. The kid should be able to find which sport suits them the best. I like soccer the most, and so do both of my brothers. Other people like other sports more and that's ok. Afoot ding to many studies if a kid is forced to play a sport, then they will not get many of the benefits of playing sports. That's why it's important for a kid to find the right sport at an early age.

            Sports are a huge deal in a persons life. All the positive things that come out are worth the risk of injury or losing instead of winning. I think that more kids should play sports. It is fun, it's a stress reliever, and you learn a lot of stuff from playing sports. Even if it may take up a lot of time it's worth it.

Works Cited
"Benefits of Playing Sports." N.p., n.d. Web. <http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body/overweight_obesity.html>.
"Obesity in Kids in the US." Http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body/overweight_obesity.html. N.p., n.d. Web.
"Positives Affects of Sports on Kids." N.p., n.d. Web. <http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body/overweight_obesity.html>.