Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sports Paper

Connor Coop
Mrs. Hartney 

How Sports Affects a Student's Life

Did you know that only 21 million children out of 74 million play team sports? I think that this is crazy, because sports are a huge part of my life. People play lots of different sports, but for boys the most common are soccer, football, and baseball. I play soccer, and I couldn't live without it. I spend around 12 hours a week playing and practicing soccer. I have practice for an hour and a half on Monday and Thursday, and on Wednesday i have two hour practice. Then on the weekends I usually have two games, and they are an hour and a half long, and i have to practice an hour before them. This much exercise is very good for a kid to have. That is just one of the many good things sports have to offer.

Playing sports has many benefits for a student. It helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. It also helps kids lose weight and reduce body fat. Kids who play sports have also been seen to have greater academic achievements than someone who doesn't play sports. Athletes are also more likely to attend college than non-athletes. It helps kids with self-esteem, goal setting, and leadership. All of these skills are helpful throughout a person's life. 

Sometimes a kid doesn't get to choose if they can play sports or not. 87.9% of parents are concerned about their kids getting injured in sports, 81.5% are concerned about problems with coaches, 70.3% are worried about cost, and 67.9% are worried about time commitment. From all of that you can see why a parent might not let their child play. Even of all those things, the benefits of sports are definitely worth it. A kid who plays sports is much more likely to succeed in life. It gives kids better social skills, because they meet new people when playing sports.

            Some kids don't like playing sports. This can be because their parents force them too. This doesn't always work out. The kid should be able to find which sport suits them the best. I like soccer the most, and so do both of my brothers. Other people like other sports more and that's ok. Afoot ding to many studies if a kid is forced to play a sport, then they will not get many of the benefits of playing sports. That's why it's important for a kid to find the right sport at an early age.

            Sports are a huge deal in a persons life. All the positive things that come out are worth the risk of injury or losing instead of winning. I think that more kids should play sports. It is fun, it's a stress reliever, and you learn a lot of stuff from playing sports. Even if it may take up a lot of time it's worth it.

Works Cited
"Benefits of Playing Sports." N.p., n.d. Web. <http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body/overweight_obesity.html>.
"Obesity in Kids in the US." Http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body/overweight_obesity.html. N.p., n.d. Web.
"Positives Affects of Sports on Kids." N.p., n.d. Web. <http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body/overweight_obesity.html>.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spanish Restuarant Field Trip

Grace Weber
Mrs. Hartney
30 April 2014
Spanish Restaurant Field Trip
Last Tuesday and Thursday, both the advanced and traditional classes took a trip to a Cuban Restaurant for lunch. For the duration of the trip, we were expected to speak in Spanish. Despite our nervousness, we all applied our knowledge of the Spanish Middle School grammar and vocabulary curriculum. It was amazing to see how much we have grown in understanding the Spanish language over the past three years. The trip was a great way to immerse ourselves into our second language as well as utilize the many years of Spanish education that we have received at LCC Day School.

How To Papers

Callie Friske

This week all 7th and 8th graders had to do how to papers. It had to be five paragraphs and not explain something step by step. I choose the topic of How to Have a Perfect Weekend. I love my paper, but it was a little frustrating having to do everything! In the end, I will turn in five copies and I think it is a little crazy! I am just hoping I get a good grade!

How do you have a perfect weekend? We had to use many different techniques to make our paper perfect! We had to use questions, hooks, and many other elements. It has taken me around seven days! Even though I love language arts, there can be some things that I wish I didn't have to do! I just have one question for you, how do you have a perfect weekend?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spanish Videos

The eight grade Honors Spanish class recently finished creating videos about how to cook meals speaking only in Spanish. The requirements for this project were to: speak solely in Spanish, be creative, last no less than three minutes, have minimal breaks in the speech, use of the vocabulary and the grammar  learned during class, have a written draft of what was said during the video, and to show organization.  It was also required that we not read from queue cards during the video. The total possible points that could be received was seventy-five.  In my video,  I made chicken tacos.  During the video,I went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients, and then cooked the chicken tacos in my kitchen.  I thought that this project was very challenging, and a great learning experience.  Taping this video took a lot of time.  I made my video in the application called "I-Movie".  I was able to take short videos and then put them all together to make one long and flowing video!  For future classes that require creation of a video,  I would definitely recommend allotting a lot of time to tape and edit the video! After completing this video, I feel that I know the vocabulary from the section that was covered in class. We had to present our videos to the entire class.  Everyone's videos were great, and very creative!
-Emma V.

Sports banquet

Tonight was the LCC sports banquet. This is where the coaches recognize all the sports, and players. We all received pins for our sports. It was a little boring, but I'm glad I went because it's my last year here. It was so much fun playing sports for LCC, and I can't wait for high school.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Sydney Ahlquist
Mrs. Hartney
L.A. 7-A
25 April 2014

I am really excited for seacamp. I love being in the water and doing fun things. Everyone tells me how seacamp was their favorite school trip. I hope I get a room with all of my friends. The bus ride might be long but it always is fun when you are with your friends. We are going on May 4th and its coming up soon.
We get to go snorkeling. Even though I don't really like snorkeling, I know we get to swim with sharks, but if everyone freaks out and splashes around, they go to the bottom and you don't get to see them. That is all I know that we do but I would rather not know and have it be a surprise. I am so excited and I cant wait.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Final Exams!

Haylie Gray
Mrs. Hartney
24 April 2014

As the year comes to an end, we all have to get ready for the dreadful finals! I personally do not like finals. It is so hard to remember everything for all 5 classes, which brings me to another point. This year we have to a final in every class! It was not supposed to be that way originally. Last year, we took 1 midterm and 1 final. This year, we were supposed to take 2 midterms and 2 finals! It just doesn't seem fair although life isn't fair. Besides the fact of having a final in every class, the studying is torturous. We have around 100 questions on a final! That is a lot of answers to remember! Luckily, the finals are mostly multiple choice with a few short answer. This year it is different! The social studies final is all short answer! My hand is going to hurt so bad afterwards from writing so much! We do have fewer questions though. We only have about 25-30 questions compared to 100. You have to study so much to get a good grade on finals because in 7th grade, the final exam grade, averages into you whole grade which could make a big difference! I am not looking forward to finals at all!! The only good part, is when it is over!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Washington D.C 8th Grade Field Trip

Brooke Jaffe
21 April 2014

April is coming to a close which means that May is right around the corner. May brings many exciting things such as five final exams, the pool party, graduation for the 8th graders, and of course the class field trips. Seventh grade will go to Sea Camp while eighth grade will visit Washington D.C! I'm so excited! I have been looking forward to the eighth grade field trip for two years and its unbelievable to think that it's about to become a reality. The trip is not only fun and interesting but extremely educational. It will help us understand social studies class more as well as have a greater appreciation for the experiences of past generations. As a grade, we will be visiting many museums and tourist attractions. The trip will be a great academic and learning opportunity for the whole class. The eighth graders have to report to the airport at 5am on a Sunday to depart for D.C and arrive back in Tampa on Thursday night. In Mrs.Mishalls class we have already had multiple discussions going over important rules for the students to follow in D.C. She has also given us tips and advice for packing and what to expect to encounter on the trip whether it be diversity or climate change. Everyone is already gearing up for this exciting learning experience!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Periodic Table Project

Lindsay Wilson
Mrs. Hartney
21 April 2014

For the next month, my science class has been assigned to work on our Periodic Table projects. It is always a big project for the 7th grade at the end of the year, and I'm really excited about it. This is an individual project that involves hard work and lots of creativity. Our requirements are that we have to be creative, the project HAS to include the full periodic table, our solids, liquids, and gasses have to be labeled, our groups and columns labeled, and our mellatoids, metals, and nonmetals labeled. It has to be neat and we have to spend time on it to make it look good. We can put the periodic table on anything we want but it just has to be creative. For my project, I was thinking of painting the periodic table on a canvas and painting it in different colors. We also have to include all the information on each element in our project. We have to include the name of the element, the symbol, the atomic number, and the atomic mass. Even though this project takes a lot of work, I am ready to get started and I'm excited to see how it turns out when I'm finished!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Haiden Burrichter
Mrs. Hartney
April 17, 2014

Flame Test Lab

This month in Science we have been doing many labs. My favorite lab that we did this month was the flame test lab. What we did was we took a paperclip and we put a certain chemical on it that got rid of the bacteria or anything that was left on it from something else. After we put the certain type of chemical on it we turned on our Bunsen burner and lit it. We stuck the paperclip in the Bunsen burner. It turned the flame a bright orange. Once the flame of the Bunsen burner was back to a normal, light blue color we went and got all of our chemicals. We kept them in test tubes. The chemicals that we used were Copper, Sodium chloride, Potassium chloride, Calcium chloride, Lithium chloride, and Strontium chloride. We stuck one of our paperclips into the test tube with the Sodium chloride first. After the paperclip was covered with this chemical we placed it towards the bottom of the flame over the Bunsen burner. The sodium chloride turned the flame bright orange. Next we had to clean the paperclip in between each chemical or else it would affect our results. Once the paperclip was clean, we did the Potassium chloride. It turned the flame purple. Once again, we cleaned our paperclip. Next we did copper. It turned the blue, normal colored flame into a bright green flame that lasted a long time. After we cleaned the paperclip again, we did Calcium chloride. Calcium chloride was the hardest one to figure out. It took my group about four tries until we actually saw the real color. This chemical turned the flame red for about half a second. After we finally figured out the color of that Calcium chloride we did the Lithium chloride. This one was personally my favorite. The flame burst into a hot pink parade. Finally, we got to the last one. It was the Strontium chloride. The flame became a peach color. This lab was hard, but it was also fun. I really enjoyed doing this lab and I think my other classmates enjoyed it too. 


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lauren Golder
Mrs. Hartney
                                                                 Science Self Lab
     In science we did something new. We have to have a group of  2 or 3 and make up our own lab. The rules are it has to be on the section that we are on. It has to be an experiment not a demenstration. The difference between those is a experiment is you are showing the class that you are testing something to see if it is true or not. A demenstration is showing the class something that has to do with the section.
     My partner was Katie Woods. Our project was testing The Charles Law. We had a eperiment and a demonstration. Our experiment was called The Candle Vacum. The materials are a bowl, water, food coloring, silly puddy, 2 birthday candles, a lighter or a match, oil, and a glass cup.
     First you put the candles in the middle of the silly puddy, and stick the silly puddy in the middle of the bowl. Next you pour half a cup of water into the bowl then put 4-6 drops of food coloring in the water. After light both of candles on fire and set the cup over candels and silly puddy. What should happen is all the water should be sucked up into the cup just like a vacum. Our demenstration was putting one bar of ivory soap in the microwave for 1 and a half minutes and the air molocules should expand in the soap and the soap will grow really big.

Toothpick Bridges

Delaney Crandall
Mrs. Hartney
16 April 2014

In Science we just started to begin a new group project. This project is to make a bridge completely out of toothpicks. My partners are Sydney, Lindsey, and Lindsay. We are building a type of truss bridge that is called the Oak Street Bridge.  It is going to be really complicated to build, but I think it will work really well. This is my favorite project we have had this year.
The requirements for this project are not that complicated, but we still have to make sure we follow all of them. Our bridge can only be made out of toothpicks and glue. Another requirement is that our bridge has to be able to have something go across it. One of the hardest requirements is that our bridge has to be able to hold at least 5 pounds of sugar. It is going to take a lot of hard work to build this bridge and to make it sturdy and strong. I can't wait to see if our bridge works!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Day of caring!

Every Friday before spring break LCC middle school always has Day of Caring! Day of Caring is a day that we devote our time to help others in our neighborhood or help purify our envirnment. This year the 7th and 8th graders were able to go visit the little kids at Head Start and play with them for half a day. This was so much fun being able to play and have fun with all the little kids. I made so many friends that loved to play freeze tag, duck duck goose, and monster with me and a few of my other friends. Head start is a government funded school for the kids who's families are unable to pay for their day care or preschool so they can go there for free preschool. 5th and 6th graders I believe helped around the school and our envirnment. Some kids went to Fort De Soto beach to clean up some of the trash. Other kids stayed on campus and played with the preschoolers. This year Day of Caring was so much fun and the PDQ afterwards made the day even better. My last Day of Caring was amazing! 


Delaney Crandall
Mrs. Hartney
31 March 2014
Recently in Spanish we started a new lesson. This lesson includes vocabulary and grammar. The vocabulary is based on two different things. One idea the spanish vocabulary is based on is taking trips. En tren, un viaje, and el cuidad are all words in our Spanish vocabulary that have to do with taking trips. The second idea our vocabulary is based on is your daily routine, and what you do everyday. This part of our vocabulary includes words like pienarse and afietarse. That is what our vocab is like this lesson in Spanish.
The grammar in this lesson was difficult at first, but now I have got the hang of it. This lessons grammar is to add -ando to —ar verbs or -iendo to —er and —ir to say if you are doing something right then. This is called present progressive. When you are using present progressive verbs you always have to have the verb estar in front of it. There are some exceptions when adding -ando or adding -iendo to verbs. The other thing we have been doing in grammar in Spanish is reflexive verbs, which is when you are doing something to oneself. When using reflexive verbs you have to make sure you have pronouns and that it actually is a reflexive verb, not just a regular verb. This lesson hasn't been that difficult overall. We have a test on it next friday, and I hope I do well on it!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dance Marathon

The idea behind a dance marathon is to dance for those who can't.  Dance Marathon is meant to raise money and awareness for the "Children's Miracle Network". Children's Miracle Network provides care for children in hospitals. We are raising money for our local Miracle Network at "All Children's Hospital" in St. Petersburg Fl.  Dance Marathon will be taking place on March 20, 2014.  LCC Day School will be the first of hopefully many middle schools to come, to host such an event. The Miracle Network has raised over sixty-two million dollars for the kids! Leading up to this event, our school has been fundraising for "All Children's Hospital" by selling tee-shirts and balloons.  The profits from these sales go to the Miracle Network.  The event will start after school and finish at 9:30 p.m.  There will be an entry fee of five dollars. The money raised goes to the Miracle Network, and to cover the fees that it takes to run the event.  The seventh and eight grade students will take part in running the event.  There will be many activities to participate in as well as music!  The elementary students will come at different times, and participate in the event.  Like I mentioned earlier, the idea behind Dance Marathon is to dance for those who can't, so from 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. we will stay on our feet.  It may seem like a long time, but it is all to benefit others who need our help.  At times, you will be allowed to take a knee to rest, but for the rest of the time, you must stay on your feet.  I can not wait for Dance Marathon, and hope to see you all there!

-Emma V.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pobre Ana

Grace Weber
Mrs. Hartney
18 March 2014
Pobre Ana
During SAT week, the eighth grade students began reading a short book called Pobre Ana. The book is written in Spanish about a fifteen year old girl named Ana. She is constantly facing problems with her poor family and her friends. Because she is not as fortunate as her two friends, Elsa and Sara, she does not have the opportunity to shop at the same stores or enjoy the same expensive activities as them. In addition to the stress of maintaining a relationship with her friends, her mother often yells at her. Also, she faces tensions and struggles with her brother, Don, and her sister, Patty. Her brother rarely helps her, and her sister takes Ana's belongings without receiving permission from her.

After hearing about an opportunity to fly to Mexico and spend several months with a Mexican family, Ana becomes excited, and hopes that she can escape her crazy family through this trip. Ana accepts the opportunity, travels to Mexico, meets many new friends, and makes memories that will last a lifetime. Her new friends help her realize that her family really is fortunate and that every family has problems. With this advice, Ana returns to her home and family in California with a new outlook on her life.

Dance Marathon

LCC is doing something called Dance Marathon. It is supporting the All Children's Hospital Miracle Network program. We are dancing for those who can't because they have illnesses. We are hosting a 6-6 1/2 hour dance marathon on March 20, 2014 where we don't stop dancing for those 6-6 1/2 hours. We get to talk to some of the patients that have illnesses and can't dance. They are not physically able to do it. Everyone in the school is participating! Even the pre-schoolers are participating! We have done many fundraisers to help raise money for this. We have bought "balloons" and made videos about the Dance Marathon. I am so happy to be participating in Dance Marathon and I know it is going to be a lot of fun!


New Lunch Line

The final touches have now been put on the new Life Center. This past week the kitchen was finally completed, and Rainbow Catering now occupies the kitchen. This means that everyone is now allowed to order food right from a lunch line, instead of having to purchase it ahead of time.

Even if you don't want to order a lunch, the line also serves snacks and drinks. One big hit with students is the fries. They usually sell out within minutes. Overall, the new lunch line is a great addition to the Life Center. It makes ordering lunch much easier.

Spanish Test

Today the honors class has two tests in Spanish and everyone is very nervous.  One is on the culture of España and the other one is on the book Pobre Ana which we read in class.  Señora Bosco is combining the tests into one but it seems like two tests.  There are a lot of culture notes so that makes me really nervous!  We read the book two weeks ago and it was very short.  We just got the culture notes on Friday and had to study over the weekend and last night. Our culture notes was just a packet of info. We have to answer most of the questions in Spanish which is more difficult because we haven't had to really do that.  Hopefully the test will be easy.  Wish me luck!

Egg drop

Kaitlin Carmichael 
We have been doing an egg drop in science and math class. Every group we were assigned to had to make something that can hold eggs and drop them without the eggs breaking. Today was a test round, and my eggs didn't break. Some peoples eggs broke and they got to re do their projects for the final one tomorrow. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Sydney Ahlquist
Mrs. Hartney
L.A. 7-A
14 March 2014

Pi day
Today is pi day. We celebrate by bringing in different food items in the shape of a circle. I personally like pi day because I get to eat different food. But I am pretty sure no one in our grade brought anything. But usually we have a big feast of different junk foods. I think it's fun.
We usually have a challenge that we can do fro extra credit, but she never told us anything. Last year Lindsey Winzeler learned the most numbers of pi, so she got a homework pass. For extra credit, we could write a song about pi and sing it to the class. Lindsey and I made up a song to Daylight by Maroon 5. We still remember it to this day. I hope this year we get to do something fun like we did last year.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Science Lab- Mystery Mixture

Callie Friske
Mrs. Hartney

Recently, we have just started a new lab because have been learning new and different things in Science. We started a lab called "Mystery Mixture." Using charts, graphs, mixtures, and different containers. You have 6 different mixtures. On the board, Ms. Miller placed a chart with all the different mixtures and the affects they have with different liquids. The mystery substances you have are sugar, corn starch, baking soda, alkaseltzer, salt, and borax. The liquids we useed to know what they are were vinegar, iodine, and water.

Now you have all the tools you need, next is how you do the lab. First, you have to get a partner. Then, you get this little mini test tube trays and feel each of the six ingrediants three times. Make sure that you know which one is which so that when you make the final graph you can tell which one is which. Then, you put a few drops of water in each one and record what happened. Then you put a few drops of vinegar in each one and see what happened. Lastly, you put a few drops of Iodine and you find out what happened. Then you make a final chart of your answers and what mixtures you found out.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Night Presentations

Brooke Jaffe
2 March 2014
As Kalen stated in an earlier blog, the eighth grade recently wrapped up reading Night by Elie Wiesel. Its a nonfiction novel written from the first person point of view of Elie, a young boy who survives the Auschwitz concentration camps during the Holocaust. We had a test on the book on Wednesday which consisted of multiple choice, matching, true or false, and three essays based off of quotes from the book. But, that wasn't even the hardest part! On Friday we had a presentation due based off of the book. The presentation had to be at least ten slides long and could be presented using key note, prezi, power point, or even in movie form! One boy in class decided to do a movie that wasn't only educational - but hilarious as well! Another boy had a presentation twenty five slides long! For traditional students, the presentation had to include characters, plot, and the setting. For the advanced students, the presentation had to include the themes and connections of the book. I went first which was very nerve wracking especially because I'm already anxious to begin with, but it was good to get it over with! I really enjoyed watching all the other presentations though! Everyone had their own unique spin on the project assignment which was extremely interesting to view. I hope we have another project like this one soon! (Below is the entrance of Auschwitz)

Friday, February 28, 2014

Science-Create Your Own Experiment

Recently in Science we have been learning about gravity, mixtures, substances, and things like solvents and solutes. A couple days ago we got an assignment that we had to create a experiment based on something we were learning about. For this experiment we had to have a lab write up and also it couldn't be a demonstration it had to be an experiment. 
We got to do this lab with a partner. My partner and I decided our experiment would be how different substances effect eggs floating. We used different substances like tap water, salt water, baking soda/water, and sugar/water. Then we carefully placed an egg in each to see if it floated. We found that the egg only floated in salt water. This is because salt water is more dense. I really enjoyed this lab!

Science lab

Mary-Coleman Coats
Mrs. Hartney
February 28,2014
Language Arts-8T

                                                                   Science labs
             This week in Science we were doing a "make your own lab" lab. I did my lab with Lauren Wittstruck and Kyra Blackwell. We did our lab on Friction. Our experiment was how to test which surface would make the bouncy ball go down the ramp faster. We used dawn soap, oobleck, and corn syrup. Oobleck which is corn starch mixed with water made the bouncy ball go the fastest down the ramp. The oobleck made the ball go 9ft from the ramp. The soap was the second best lubricant that had the bouncy ball go down farther. The ramp we used was a wooden one. The corn syrup was the last lubricant to get the ball the go down the ramp.


Brooke Gephart
Mrs. Hartney
28 February 2014
Next week is my favorite week of the school year, SAT week! Now you may be wondering why would someone like to take tests that decide how you compare to other kids your age and what high school programs you will take. My reasons are very simple; FOOD, FOOD, and more FOOD! Now you're probably wondering how does food apply to SAT's? Well lets just go through a normal SAT testing day.
First thing is that you should get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast to come mentally prepared for testing. The next thing is as soon as flag is over, everyone goes to the assigned classroom and get in their seat. For SAT's everyone needs to use number 2 pencils that are provided from the school. So you get your pencils and then take about 2 hours a day to do testing and then when you are finished you have to silently read a book at your desk. This is another reason I like testing, you get to read. I like this factor because I do Language Arts reading extra credit and getting to read my book for about 45 minutes everyday helps me finish my book early on in the month. So after everyone is done testing Mrs. Hewitt will call over the intercom that everyone's done and you can leave the class room and head out to break. At break is where the food comes in! Everyday you are offered a different snack. Usually the snacks are donuts, cookies, ice cream sandwiches, and Twinkies. Then on the last day of testing everyone gets ice cream sundaes with whatever you want on top! That is amazing to someone who loves food! So after you eat your snack we then go to play practice the rest of the day!
Another reason I love testing is because that week we don't have any tests or homework! having no homework is so good when you have like 2 hours every night with added studying depending on which test is coming up. So I'm so excited for next week, my favorite week of the school year; SAT testing week!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Birthday Books

Lauren Golder
Mrs. Hartney
                                                             Birthday Books
     We do something here at LCC called birthday books. It is a gift from the school to you. A flyer gets sent home to you in the begining of the school year. It is for Birhtday Books. You fill out the form and turn it in. Later in the year, about early February. They have the celebration called birthday books! Everyone in your grade gets together at the school library. They set out a selection of books for the people who signed up for birthday books. You pick out the book that you like and give it to your teacher. They right your name, your birthday, an dhow old you are turning on a post it note. They stick the post it  note inside the book. Later, the teacher prints out a sticker with all the information that they took, and puts it in the front on he book. Then your book is place on a shelf in the library, and is dedicated to you. After that it done, everyone meets outside of the library. Then you teacher brings out a box of cookies and everyone eats them and celebrates there birthday!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


This week LCC's track unit has started. There's many people are on the team, and we all work hard. Our practices are Monday through Wednesday from three to four thirty. We split into long distance runners, and short distance. Usually the long distance people do an out run, which is from our school to St. Raphael's. Then the short distance people do sprints, which is either the 200 meter dash or 100 meter dash. Sometimes even a 400 meter dash. My event is the 100 meter dash, the 4x100 relay, and the 100 in the sprint medley. we compete against many other private schools around this area.
Jared stapleton
dont forget about dance marathon coming up soon.  it is a great way to contribute to kids who cant do what we can do. 
but don't forget the real meaning of it we need to dance for the kids who cant.  we need to make sure we remember what and who we are really doing it for. FOR THE KIDS and for children's miracle network.  this is a great way to spend time with friends and family and dance and have lots of fun. I hope everyone enjoys it and dances and plays all the games. 

Night by Elie Wiesel

Kalen Hatten
Mrs. Hartney
26 February 2014

In Language Arts, the eigth grade has just finished reading a book called "Night" written by Elie Wiesel, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and author of many other best selling books. This book is an autobiography about Elie's account of his experiences at Auschwitz concentration camp and Buchenwald concentration camp. In it, he explains how at first, the Jews in his town of Sighet believed the Fascists would never come past Poland. When they did enter, they were moved to Ghettos and many orders were placed on them. Finally, they were taken to their first concentration camp. There, Elie was seperated from his mother and sister and never saw them again. He stayed with his father as long as he could. He moved to multiple other camps with his father, enduring hard labor, multiple beatings, and minimal to no food and water. After his father died, Elie felt he ahd nothing to live for, but pushed onward. Finally, during his last days at Buchenwald, the Russians and Americans caught up with the Germans and Elie was free at last. After all he and other inmates had endured, all they could think about was food. Ironically, Elie almost died form food poisening after he was released, but got better and went about his new life as a free Jew.

Sydney Ahlquist
Mrs. Hartney
L.A. 7-A
26 February 2014

Out of My Mind Project
           We had to do a project for out of my mind when we finished. We had to make a glog on Glogster. We had to include: Lessons/ Themes, Connections, and Changes in Characters. We had to have pictures and multi media. It was fun but mine doesn't really match. I created my own because I didn't really like any of the templates that they gave us.
          I added two things of multi media. I put a song and a Youtube video. I added a few pictures and some moving clip art. I had lots of things to put in my project, but I couldn't, due to the small amount of space they gave us. I personally liked doing our own project on Glogster, and I hope we get to do another one on that website.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Middle School Renovations

Over the past few weeks construction crews have been working hard on putting the final touches on the new Middle School Life Center. Even though we moved in a few months ago there is still work to be done. Many changes were made to the Life Center, the parking lots, and The Point. First a new siding was added to the front of the Life Center. It gives the building a new look that had previously been left unfinished. The parking lot was also redone adding new drains for water. Across the street at The Point many of the trees have been cut down. This will allow for more space for PE class and other activities that take place there. The past few months have been filled with lots of changes to LCC and there are sure to be more to come!

Spanish Grammar

We just had a test on learning the past tense Spanish irregular verbs ir, ser, and hacer. I had a hard time with it at first but then I started to get the hang of it. We had to say "I went to the mall yesterday" or something like that in Spanish. We had to say "yo fui" as "I went." It was really confusing! Then we had to learn how to put prepositions at the end of sentences and that was even more confusing. In stead of putting, I went to the mall with Carla, I had to go to the mall with her. It made it even more confusing when the prepositions were in the middle of the sentence. The worst part of the test was the oral part where she speaks the questions to us and we have to answer in Spanish to her. Personally, I feel a lot of pressure when I do orals, because sometimes other people go before you so they are watching you the whole it. I do not like it. We also have a written part, so it is basically 2 tests in 1 period! This Spanish grammar unit was hard, and I am glad it is over!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sam Sockol
Mrs.  Hartney
February 23 2014
LA 7-T

Bunsen Burner lab
         In Science class we have started to use Bunsen burners. They are very fun to use and very interesting. They first time we used them we just learned the proper way and how to make the flame. After we learned how to use them we started a real lab. The second lab was so we could learn how to separate salt from water. The way we did it was to first to get water and slat and mix them until it was a homogenous mixture. That means that you can not see the slat in the water and it just looks like normal water. After that we put it on the Bunsen burner and waited for all of the water to evaporate. When it was done evaporating, all that was left was the slat and all of the water was gone. That was our Bunsen burner lab. 

Out Of My Mind

Callie Friske
Mrs. Hartney

Out of My Mind

           This year we have read many different stories and books in Language Arts. In the past week or so we have starts reading a book called Out of my Mind. This book is an amazing book. It is about a disabled child with her family, getting through life and obstacles. If you have ever read this book it never gets old. I have read this book twice and I still enjoy reading it. I know exactly what happens at the end, but I suppose I won't tell you. The author of this book is Sharon Draper. She is an amazing writer and I have read three of her books. Her stories are always heartfelt just like Out of my Mind. Melody, the disabled child, is so smart because for so many years in her life she has picked up words, phrases, and learning skills. This book is all about her friends, life's difficulties, and how Melody gets through life.