Saturday, September 28, 2013

National History Day

All of seventh and eighth grade have been working on the annual National History Day project for over a month now. The project began on the second day of school and will be graded on October 3rd. The grading will be done by Mrs.Hartney and Mrs.Mishall who will be judging the projects on many elements including but not limited to: quality, appearance, historical accuracy, and how well the project follows the National History Day guidelines. The following day, anonymous judges will arrive at LCC and critique the projects based on similar elements. A select number of participants from each of the five categories will be chosen to bring their project back to school in early November to be judged yet again. Out of the remaining contests, one individual and one group from each category will then move on to the county competition in March. There, they will present their project to a new set of judges who will be picking a select number of lucky winners to move on to the next round. Eventually, projects will be presented at a national competition level to compete with kids across the United States. Winning National History Day would be a huge accomplishment but for now, most kids are just concerned with turning their projects in by the deadline! Seventh grade is required to work individually but eighth grade has been given the privilege of working on this project with a group. The five categories that you can submit your project to are exhibit, documentary, website, performance, and research paper. Since the beginning of school, students have gone to a National History Day class on Tuesdays and Thursdays in order to get directions on how to approach the project. As a cooperative middle school, every child including myself has completed a process paper, research paper, and an annotated bibliography. We have also taken a field trip to our local library in order to gather more extensive research. By this point all that's left to do with our projects is actually create what we'll be showing next Thursday. Good luck everyone!

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