Monday, April 21, 2014

Periodic Table Project

Lindsay Wilson
Mrs. Hartney
21 April 2014

For the next month, my science class has been assigned to work on our Periodic Table projects. It is always a big project for the 7th grade at the end of the year, and I'm really excited about it. This is an individual project that involves hard work and lots of creativity. Our requirements are that we have to be creative, the project HAS to include the full periodic table, our solids, liquids, and gasses have to be labeled, our groups and columns labeled, and our mellatoids, metals, and nonmetals labeled. It has to be neat and we have to spend time on it to make it look good. We can put the periodic table on anything we want but it just has to be creative. For my project, I was thinking of painting the periodic table on a canvas and painting it in different colors. We also have to include all the information on each element in our project. We have to include the name of the element, the symbol, the atomic number, and the atomic mass. Even though this project takes a lot of work, I am ready to get started and I'm excited to see how it turns out when I'm finished!

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